
【The 70th Yomiuri Shimbun National Elementary and Middle School ...

August during Japanese class, the students chose a writing competition to enter and worked hard on creating their pieces. The results are  ...

【Calligraphy Contest】

One of our Dragon kids earned the director award in Calligraphy contest! Great Job and Congrats!!  ...

【2020 Cozy Sports Day】

We had two days full of competitive action at all UPBEAT Campuses! The UPBEAT boys and girls have much to be proud of! The UPBEAT students d ...

【10/30 Elementary Halloween Day】

Happy Halloween, Elementary! Everyone looked wonderful and had a great time making group Halloween Posters and participating in a Trick-or- ...

【2nd Trimester has started!!】

Welcome back, parents and students! The 2nd trimester of the year has just started! Have you noticed the spooky decorations around the c ...

【2020 Summer Academic Tour】

For this year's Summer Event at UPBEAT we had an academic tour and went to the ocean and river to learn about fish!! Jibikiami (Seine Fishi ...

【2020 3 Days Special】

A lot of Smiles and Laughters!! UPBEAT kids wore their cute and cool Yukata/Jinbei for this special day!! More pictures have been shared i ...

Growing With Gratitude, World Wide!

Watch this! UPBEAT took part in a worldwide online classroom event with 38 countries involved. This event created a video and some of our p ...

【The Director Award in Calligraphy Contest】

One of our 4th grade students earned the director award in Calligraphy contest! Great Job and Congrats!  ...

【Elementary Social Studies】

The Grade 2 students have been raising summer vegetables in the Social Studies class, and we were finally able to harvest them! The student ...

2-3-18 Hachiban Atsuta, Nagoya, Aichi

1-5-1 Yoshimoto-cho, Nakagawa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi

201, Shimadagaoka, Tempaku, Nagoya, Aichi

301, Shimadagaoka, Tempaku, Nagoya, Aichi